Fasciotomy: Upper Extremity Fasciotomy: Upper Extremity David Ray Velez, MD Table of Contents Upper Arm FasciotomyForearm FasciotomyHand FasciotomySee Also:*See Compartment Syndrome*See Fasciotomy Upper Arm Fasciotomy Upper Arm Compartments (x3)Anterior (Flexors)Posterior (Extensors)DeltoidUpper Arm Fasciotomy TechniqueSingle Lateral Incision from the Deltoid Insertion to the Lateral EpicondyleIncise the Anterior Fascia to Release the Anterior CompartmentIncise the Posterior Fascia to Release the Posterior Compartment Upper Arm Compartments Upper Arm Fasciotomy Forearm Fasciotomy Forearm Compartments (x3)Volar (Flexors)Dorsal (Extensors)Lateral/Mobile Wad (Brachioradialis and Extensor Carpi Radialis Muscles)The Volar Compartment is the Most Commonly AffectedThe Lateral Compartment (Mobile Wad) is Rarely AffectedForearm Fasciotomy TechniqueVolar (“Henry”) Incision:Start Proximal Over the Medial Epicondyle‘S’ Curve Laterally Over Antecubital Fossa and Extended Back Medially Over the ForearmFinish Over the Palmar CreaseIncise the Fascia of the Volar and Lateral Compartments to Release EachMay Consider a Carpal Tunnel Release to Decompress the Median NerveDorsal Incision:Single Vertical IncisionIncise the Dorsal Fascia to Release the Dorsal Compartment Forearm Compartments Forearm Fasciotomy Hand Fasciotomy Hand Compartments (x10)ThenarHypothenarDorsal Interosseous x4Volar Interosseous x3Adductor PollicisHand Fasciotomy TechniqueTwo Longitudinal Dorsal Incisions Over 2nd/4th MetacarpalsLongitudinal Incision Over Medial Aspect of 5th MetacarpalLongitudinal Incision Over Lateral Aspect of 1st MetacarpalTailor Fasciotomies to SymptomsAll Should Also Have Carpal Tunnel Release Hand Compartments 1 Hand Fasciotomy References Reichman EF. Compartment Syndrome of the Hand: A Little Thought about Diagnosis. Case Rep Emerg Med. 2016;2016:2907067. (License: CC BY-4.0)