SIADH Syndrome of Inappropriate ADH Secretion (SIADH) David Ray Velez, MD Table of Contents DefinitionCausesDiagnosisTreatment Definition Definition: Inappropriately High Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH) SecretionAntidiuretic Hormone (ADH)Also Known As:VasopressinArginine Vasopressin (AVP)Production:Produced in Supraoptic and Paraventricular Nuclei of the HypothalamusTravels Down the Infundibulum and Then Secreted in the Posterior PituitarySecretion Stimulated by Increased Osmolality and Decreased Arterial Blood VolumeVasopressin Receptors:V-1 Receptor: Arterial Vasoconstriction (Increase Peripheral Vascular Resistance)V-2 Receptor: Renal Water ResorptionV-3 Receptor: Mediates Factor VIII and vWF Release Causes Most Often Due to a Secondary ProcessCausesCNS DisturbancesStrokeHemorrhageInfectionTraumaPsychosis and Mental IllnessSurgeryMalignancySmall Cell Lung Carcinoma (SCLC) – Most Common Malignant CauseExtra-Pulmonary Small Cell CarcinomasHead and Neck CancersIllicit Drugs (Ecstasy)MedicationsDiureticsChemotherapyAntidepressants and AntipsychoticsACE InhibitorsHormonesPneumoniaHIV InfectionIdiopathicHereditary (Nephrogenic) SIADH: Gain of Function Mutation in the Renal V2 Receptors Diagnosis Generally a Clinical Diagnosis in the Critical Care Setting Based on Presentation and Serum/Urine LabsPresentationHyponatremiaLow Urine Output (UOP)Symptoms:May Be AsymptomaticDeliriumConfusionSeizuresLaboratory FindingsDecreased Serum Sodium and OsmolalityIncreased Urine Sodium and OsmolalityDiagnostic CriteriaSerum:Decreased Serum Sodium (< 135 mEq/L)Decreased Serum Osmolality (< 275 mOsm/kg)Urine:Increased Urine Sodium (> 40 mmol/L)Increased Urine Osmolality (> 100 mOsm/kg)Euvolemia – No Clinical Evidence of Volume DepletionNo Other Cause for Hyponatremia Treatment Primary Treatment: Fluid Restriction (< 800 mL/Day) and Treat Underlying CauseAdditional Treatment OptionsRefractory Treatment:Oral Salt TabletsFurosemide (Lasix)Severe Symptoms (Delirium, Seizure, etc):Hypertonic Saline (3% NS) – Particularly if Acute Onset with Increased Risk for Fatal Cerebral Edema*Caution Using IV Normal Saline (NS) – If Urine Osmolality is Greater than the Fluid Osmolality, it May Worsen Hyponatremia