David Ray Velez, MD
Definition: Serum Total Calcium (Ca) < 8.5-8.8 mg/dL or Ionized Calcium < 4.5 mg/dL
- Vitamin D Deficiency – The Most Common Cause
- Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Induced Vitamin D Deficiency
- Blood Transfusion (Chelation)
- Hypocalcemia – From Inhibited PTH Release (Hypoparathyroidism) and End-Organ PTH-Resistance
- Autoimmune Parathyroid Destruction
- Parathyroidectomy
- Parathyroid Injury During Thyroidectomy
- Medications:
- Lactate
- Foscarnet
- Bisphosphonates
- Denosumab
- Cinacalcet
- Chemotherapy
- Acute Pancreatitis
- Surgery
- Sepsis or Severe Illness
- Definition: Falsely Low Calcium from Low Protein Levels (Particularly Albumin)
- Total Calcium is Low from Decreased Protein-Bound Calcium
- Ionized Calcium Remains Stable
- Corrected Calcium = Calcium + [0.8 x (4 – Albumin)]
- Perioral Tingling/Numbness – First Sign
- Tetany
- Chvostek Sign: Cheek Tap Causes Spasm
- Trousseau Sign: BP Cuff Inflation Causes Carpopedal Spasm
- Seizures
- Anxiety and Depression
EKG Changes
- Prolonged QT Interval
- Arrhythmias are Uncommon
Laboratory Measurement
- Total Calcium
- Measures Total Calcium in the Blood, Including Both Calcium Bound to Protein and “Free Calcium” Not Bound to Protein
- Normal Range: 5-10.5 mg/dL
- Often Inaccurate in Acute Care Practice Due to Protein Deficiency with Pseudohypocalcemia in Acute Illness
- Ionized Calcium (iCal)
- Measures “Free Calcium” that is Not Bound to Protein
- Normal Range: 4.5-5.5 mg/dL (1.16-1.31 mmol/L)
- Considered the More Accurate Measurement in Clinical Practice in Determining Need for Replacement
- Primary Treatment: Calcium Replacement
- Calcium Gluconate
- Correction: Every 1 g IV will Increase Ionized Ca 0.15 mg/dL
- Preferred for Mild Asymptomatic Deficiencies
- Calcium Chloride (CaCl2)
- Correction: Every 1 g IV will Increase Ionized Ca 0.45 mg/dL
- Provides Three Times the Amount of Elemental Calcium per Gram as Calcium Gluconate
- Preferred for Severe or Symptomatic Deficiencies
- Corrosive to Veins and Requires a Central Line
- Goal is to Achieve the Middle of the Normal Range, Not the Lower Limit of Normal, to Allow for Ongoing Losses
- Correct Any Underlying Hypomagnesemia as Well