Duodenal Trauma
Duodenal Trauma
David Ray Velez, MD
Table of Contents
General Information
- Difficult Due to Complex Anatomical & Physiologic Relationships 1
- Delay in Diagnosis is a Significant Factor in Morbidity & Mortality
- Mortality Risk 4x if Diagnosis Delayed by Over 24-Hours 2
- Morbidity Rate: 22-27% 1
- Mortality Rate: 5-30% 1
- Grade I: 8.3%
- Grade II: 18.7%
- Grade III: 27.6%
- Grade IV: 30.8%
- Grade V: 58.8%
- Rare: Only 3.7-5% of All Abdominal Injuries 3
- Penetrating Trauma Most Common (77.7%) 4
- 81% Gunshot Wounds 1
- 19% Stab Wounds 1
- Blunt Trauma (22.3%) 4
- 85% Motor Vehicle Collisions 1
- Other Blunt Causes: Assault & Falls
Mechanism of Injury
- Penetrating Mechanisms:
- Direct Injury – Tearing & Crushing Force Through Tissue Along the Trajectory of the Projectile & its Fragments
- Gunshot Wounds Have an Additional Dissipation of Kinetic Energy That Causes Further Damage
- Cavitation – As a High Energy Projectile Moves Through Tissue Energy Causes a Radial Stretching, Forming a Temporary Cavity with Additional Tissue Damage
- Higher Energy Projectiles Create Larger Cavities & Cause More Damage
- Shock Wave – The Projectile Creates Rapid Changes in Pressure & Temperature that Propagate Through Tissue Causing Additional Injury
- Direct Injury – Tearing & Crushing Force Through Tissue Along the Trajectory of the Projectile & its Fragments
- Blunt Mechanisms:
- Crushing Force – Direct Compression Causing Injury
- Shearing Force – Tearing from Acceleration/Deceleration Around Fixed Attachments
- Bursting Force – Force Causing Acutely Increased Intraluminal Pressure within Hollow Organs Leading to Rupture
Location of Injury 1
- First Portion: 13%
- Second Portion: 36% – Most Common
- Third Portion: 18%
- Fourth Portion: 15%
- *18% Affect Multiple Portions
Duodenal D1 Transection 5
Presentation and Diagnosis
Presentation 6
- Mostly Nonspecific
- Abdominal Pain, Can Radiate to the Back
- Chest Pain
- Nausea & Vomiting
- Hematemesis
- Rarely Associated with Severe Testicular Pain & Priapism I
- Due to Sympathetic Stimulation Along the Gonadal Vessels
- Difficult Due to Complex Anatomical & Physiologic Relationships 1
- Requires a High Index of Suspicion
- Stable Patients May Be Diagnosed on CT
- May Be Diagnosed Intraoperatively
AAST Duodenum Injury Scale
- *See AAST
- Injury Scale is Under Copyright
Associated Injuries 1
- Liver (17%)
- Colon (13%)
- Pancreas (12%)
- Other Small Bowel (11%)
- Stomach (9%)
- *Rarely Occurs in Isolation
Complications 6
- Duodenal Leak/Fistula – Major Source of Morbidity
- Initial Treatment: Conservative (NPO/NGT/TPN) & Octreotide
- Missed Injury
- Intraabdominal Abscess
- Duodenal Obstruction
- Recurrent Pancreatitis
- Bleeding
Surgical Access
- Kocher Maneuver: Access D1, D2 & Proximal D3
- Cattel-Braasch Maneuver: Access Entire Duodenum (Including Distal D3 & D4)
Primary Repair
- Primary Repair is Generally the Preferred Treatment for Most Duodenal Injuries 7
- Successful for 70-85% of Injuries (Even with Full Transection) 8
- Requires: Little Tissue Loss with No Tension & No Involvement of the Ampulla
- Considerations:
- Nasogastric Tube to Protect Repair
- Extraluminal Drain – Use is Debated with No Level I Evidence
- Possible Increased Risk for Duodenal Leak 6
- Severe or Concurrent Pancreatic Injury: Pyloric Exclusion with Gastrojejunostomy 9
- Pyloric Exclusion (PEX) – Gastrotomy & Closure of the Pylorus Using Absorbable Suture (Vicryl or PDS) 11
- After 4-12 Weeks Gastrojejunostomy Closes and Pylorus Reopens
- Risk for Marginal Ulcer (Some Add Truncal Vagotomy, Most Manage Medically)
If Primary Repair Not Feasible
- Under Tension or Involves Ampulla: Roux-en-Y Duodenojejunostomy (DJ) 12
- Jejunal Limb Anastomosis to the Proximal Duodenum & Oversewing of Distal Duodenum
- Massive Injury Involving Head of Pancreas: Pancreaticoduodenectomy (Whipple Procedure) 13
- Never Done in an Emergent Setting
- Requires Wide Drainage at Index Operation & Definitive Repair Upon Medical Stabilization
Historical Options Fallen Out of Favor
- Jejunal Serosal Patch 14
- Less Desirable than Roux-en-Y
- Retrograde Jejunostomy
- For Duodenal Decompression
- Duodenal Diverticularization 15
- Procedure: Primary Repair, Antrectomy & Gastrojejunostomy
- Creates a Permanent Bypass of the Repair
- May Add Tube Duodenostomy for Decompression
- Triple-Ostomy Repair 16
- Procedure: Gastrostomy, Duodenostomy (Or Retrograde Jejunostomy) & Feeding Jejunostomy
- Triple-Tube Repair 16
- Procedure: Primary Repair with NG Tube, Feeding Jejunostomy & Retrograde Jejunostomy
Pyloric Exclusion 10
Paraduodenal Hematoma
- Most Common in Peds After Play (Bicycle Handlebars or Sports) or Abuse 18
- Can Be Spontaneous Due to Hemophilia
- May Be Associated with Anticoagulation in Older Patients 19
- *Duodenum is the Most Common Site of Intramural Hematoma Among the GI Tract (27.5%) 20
Presentation 19
- Mostly Nonspecific
- Primary Concern is Progression Causing Luminal Obstruction
- Abdominal Pain
- Nausea & Vomiting
- Hematemesis
- Ampullary Obstruction Can Cause Cholestasis or Pancreatitis 21-23
- Often Difficult to Diagnose & Requires a High Index of Suspicion
- Primarily Diagnosed by CT or UGI 19
- May Also Be Seen on MRI
- US Often Used in Peds to Avoid Radiation 19
- “Stacked Coins” or “Coiled Spring” Sign on UGI – Due to Partial Intussusception of the Bowel Wall Distal to the Hematoma 24
Treatment (If Found on Imaging)
- Conservative Treatment (NPO & Serial Exams)
- Most (60-85%) Improve Within a Short Period (2-3 Weeks) 19
- Complete Resolution of Symptoms Often Takes Months (Average 13 Months) 19
- If Obstructs: NGT, TPN, & UGI Every 5-7 Days
- If Persists > 2-3 Weeks: Operative Evacuation 17
Treatment (If Found Intraoperatively)
- Mostly Conservative Treatment
- Kocher & Thoroughly Inspect for Perforation
- Indications for Hematoma Evacuation: 6
- High Suspicion for Full-Thickness Injury
- > 50% Luminal Narrowing
Duodenal Hematoma 17
Duodenal Hematoma 17
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