Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC) Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC) David Ray Velez, MD Table of Contents DefinitionCausesPresentationDiagnosisTreatment Definition Definition: Pathologic Systemic Activation of Blood Coagulation and FibrinolysisAlso Known As“Consumption Coagulopathy”“Defibrination Syndrome”StagesStage 1: Overactive Activation of Clotting ProcessesStage 2: Uncontrolled Fibrinolysis and Bleeding Due to Depletion of Platelets and Clotting Factors Causes Always Secondary to an Underlying CauseCausesSepsis – The Most Common CauseMalignancySolid TumorsMyeloproliferative DisordersLeukemiaTraumaBurnsOrgan DamageSevere PancreatitisSevere Liver FailureObstetric ComplicationsAmniotic Fluid EmbolismPlacental AbruptionHELLP SyndromePreeclampsia and EclampsiaSeptic AbortionFat EmbolismLarge Vascular AneurysmsDrug OverdoseToxinsABO IncompatibilityTransplant Rejection Presentation Causes Both Bleeding and ThrombosisBleedingThe Most Common Clinical ManifestationBloody Oozing from Catheters or DrainsBloody Oozing from Sites of Trauma or SurgeryPetechiae and EcchymosisThrombosisThrombosis of Both Small and Large VesselsVenous Thromboembolism (VTE)Arterial Thrombosis – Most Common Cause of Digital NecrosisAdditional ComplicationsRenal FailureHepatic DysfunctionRespiratory FailureShockDeath Diagnosis Diagnosis is Based on Both Clinical Findings and Labs in an Appropriate SettingAssociated LabsPT: ProlongedPTT: ProlongedPlatelets: DecreasedFibrinogen: DecreasedFibrin Split Products (D-Dimer): ElevatedThrombin and Plasmin: ElevatedTEGTEG is NonspecificCan Show a Hypercoagulable State: Decreased R Time and Increased MACan Show a Hypocoagulable State: Increased R Time and Decreased MA Treatment Treatment is Primarily Supportive with Management of the Underlying CauseAbnormalities Generally Improve within a Few Days After Cause RelievedSystemic TherapySystemic Therapy is Not Given ProphylacticallyBleeding May Be Treated with FFP or Platelet Transfusion as IndicatedTXA is Contraindicated (Blocking Fibrinolysis Increases VTE Risk)Thromboembolism is Treated with Heparin Infusion