Blunt Cerebrovascular Injury (BCVI) Blunt Cerebrovascular Injury (BCVI) David Ray Velez, MD Table of Contents Definition and RiskScreeningClassificationTreatment Definition and Risk Definition: Blunt Injury to the Carotid or Vertebral ArteriesAssociated with Increased Risk for Stroke (1-10%) and Mortality – Highest Risk in the First 72 HoursIncidence of BCVI with Cervical Spine InjuriesHigh-Risk Cervical Spine Injuries: 17%Low-Risk Cervical Spine Injuries: 2-9% Screening Screen All High-Risk Patients with a CTA of the NeckMay Consider Screening Even for Low-Risk Cervical Spine InjuriesSome Promote Universal Screening for All PatientsExpanded Denver CriteriaSigns/Symptoms of BCVI:Arterial Hemorrhage from Neck/Nose/MouthCervical BruitExpanding Cervical HematomaFocal Neurologic DeficitNeurologic Deficit Inconsistent with Head CT FindingsIschemic Stroke on CT or MRIRisk Factors for BCVI:High-Energy MechanismDisplaced Midface Fracture (LeFort II/III)Mandible FractureComplex Skull Fracture, Basilar Skull Fracture, Occipital Condyle FractureSevere TBI with GCS < 6Cervical Spine Fracture, Subluxation, or Ligamentous Injury at Any LevelNear Hanging with Anoxic Brain InjuryCervical Seatbelt SignCervical Clothesline Type InjuryTBI with Thoracic InjuryScalp DeglovingThoracic Vascular InjuriesBlunt Cardiac RuptureUpper Rib FracturesMemphis CriteriaUnexplained Neurologic DeficitHorner’s SyndromeLeFort II/IIICervical Spine InjurySkull Base Fracture Involving the Foramen LacerumNeck Soft Tissue Injury (Seatbelt Injury or Hanging) Classification Biffl/Denver Grading ScaleGrade I: Luminal Irregularity or Dissection with < 25% NarrowingGrade II: Dissection or Intramural Hematoma with > 25% Narrowing, Intraluminal Thrombus, or Raised Intimal FlapGrade III: PseudoaneurysmGrade IV: Occlusion or Total ThrombosisGrade V: Transection Treatment Primary Treatment: Antithrombotic Therapy to Decrease the Risk of Stroke and MortalityExact Regimen Debated – Aspirin (81 vs 325 mg) or Heparin (PTT Goal 40-50 s)Grade II-IV BCVI with Neurologic Symptoms Should Consider Endovascular Stenting*Avoid Routine Stenting in Grade II-III BCVIGrade V Transection Requires Emergent Surgical InterventionShort Segment: Primary AnastomosisLarge Segment: Saphenous Vein GraftUnstable: LigationConsider Repeat CTA After 7 Days to Monitor Progression